Delinea recognized as an Overall Leader in the KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Privileged Access Management, 2024.
Get a complimentary copy of the 2024 KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for PAM
Learn Why Delinea has again been recognized for PAM Leadership
Delinea and 23 other vendors were evaluated by KuppingerCole for the 2024 Leadership Compass for PAM.
- In addition to being an Overall PAM Leader, Delinea was recognized as a Product Leader, Innovation Leader, and Market Leader.
- Delinea was also noted as a Leader in all correlated views including Market Champions, Technology Leaders, and Big Ones (an Innovation/Market Matrix).
- Delinea is the only vendor that scored a “Strong Positive” for "Innovativeness”
- The strengths of Delinea’s product offering are highlighted, including offering a seamless security experience, treating all users as privileged users with dynamic access controls. KuppingerCole notes that Delinea also stands out for flexibility in deployment while also providing robust security and operational integrity.
Get the full report to understand how Delinea performed as a PAM Leader.