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Secret Server Features Chart

The ease of use, lower total cost of ownership, and our robust features are among the reasons IT Admins and Security professionals consider Secret Server the best Privileged Access Management vault in the market.
Secret Server has the fastest time to value and is available for both cloud and on-premise deployment. With tiered capabilities and pricing structure, Secret Server Cloud and Secret Server On-premise provide the flexibility to ensure you have what you need when you need it while improving security, efficiency, and productivity.
Secret Server Cloud is delivered on the cloud-native Delinea Platform with enhanced capabilities empowering you to take your privileged credentials vault and PAM strategy to the next level.

Learn more about Secret Server Cloud on the Delinea Platform

Credentials Vault and Password Manager »
AES 256 Encryption
MFA at login
MFA on Secrets*
File Attachments
Active Directory Integration
Import / Export
Mobile App
IP Address Restrictions
Granular permission control
Access Control »
Role Based Access Control
Web Password Filler
RDP/PuTTY Support
Password "Hiding"
Privileged Remote Access
Automation »
Automatic Password Changing for Network Accounts
Secret Policy
Email Notifications
If/Then automation
Discovery »
Discover Local and Active Directory Privileged Accounts
Cloud Discovery (AWS, GCP)
Advanced Discovery
Enhanced Auditing, Reporting and Compliance »
Auditing & Reports
Dual Control
Event Subscriptions
Scheduled Reports
Custom Reports
FIPS Compliance
Privileged Behavior Analytics & Anomaly Detection*
Approval Workflow »
Require Comment
Secrets Workflow*
Session Monitoring & Control »
Session Recording and Storage
Session Monitoring and Control
Proxying RDP & SSH
Keystroke Logging
Windows Desktop Apps
HA/DR  »
Automatic Backups
Unlimited Admin / Break Glass
Resilient Secrets
Advanced Scripting »
Web Services API
CLI Tools (Win, Linux, Mac)
Advanced Scripting*
Advanced Unix Features »
Allowed Command Lists
Blocked Commands Lists
SSH Key Authentication
SSH Key Management
Additional Capabilities
Service Account Governance »
DevOps Secrets Vault »
VPN-less Privileged Remote Access* »
Integrations »
Hundreds of integrations, templates and additional capabilities available in the Delinea Marketplace
* Capability is enhanced with Secret Server deployment on the Delinea Platform

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