Global Survey of Cybersecurity Leaders:
Benchmarking Security Gaps & Privileged Access
Numerous researchers have found that credentials are the most common attack vector, and with that fact, Delinea set out to understand what IT security leaders are doing to reduce the risk of a privileged account or identity-based attack.
This report reveals how people close to the process feel about their progress, what obstacles stand in their way, and where they’re making investments for the future. You’ll see results across 19 countries and 16 industries.
What they said may surprise you.
Despite good intentions, companies have a long way to go.
- 84% experienced a security breach in the previous year and a half.
- Only 40% say their strategy is keeping pace with the threat landscape. The majority are falling behind, treading water, or running to keep up.
- 75% believe they’ll fall short of protecting privileged identities because they won’t get the support they need.
Get the full copy of Global Survey of Cybersecurity Leaders: Benchmarking Security Gaps & Privileged Access to benchmark your own security journey.
Within, you’ll also find insights to put the research into context. Expert recommendations shed light on where you should be spending your time and give you a head start on planning your next moves.