GRC 6.0: Discover the Future of GRC
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Too often, companies approach Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) backward. Compliance is the focus, which is more about Crg, is more of a band-aid, and is not a truly integrated way of managing the business. GRC should be about performance, objectives, strategy, and processes in which risk and compliance are managed in this context. To deliver on this requires full awareness and integration of GRC into the business and its processes. Business’ need to manage their operations in a GRC context. This requires an approach to GRC that allows for deep modeling, definition, and monitoring of business objectives within business processes, including the right controls in the right processes.
GRC 6.0—Business Integrated GRC is where GRC is integrated into a company's business management platform. Join our one-hour webinar to learn about GRC 6.0 and how to best address business management, processes, and internal control in your GRC initiatives.
Join us for this one-hour webinar, where Michael Rasmussen, GRC Analyst and Pundit at GRC 20/20 Research, and Frank Vukovits, Principal Evangelist from Delinea, will discuss this exciting topic.

Frank is Chief Security Scientist at Delinea. He has over three decades of experience as an auditor and security professional, along with corporate IT executive management. Frank holds Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and Certified Information System Auditor (CISA) designations, and passed the CISSP exam in 2001. He is a frequent speaker at audit (IIA), IT audit (ISACA), software publishers, security, and user group events.