Secret Server: The Getting Started Guide for End-Users

Delinea Team
This post was originally published in 2014 and was updated in 2022.
What is Secret Server?
Secret Server is Delinea's industry-leading Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution. Secret Server gives security and IT ops teams the agility to secure and manage all types of privileges, protecting administrator, service, application, and root accounts from cyberattacks. With Secret Server, you can establish a password vault, set granular permissions, manage secrets, and control access to privileged accounts. In fact, Secret Server is a fully-featured PAM solution that’s available both on-premise and in the cloud.
For the most current Secret Server information, please see the three resources listed below:
Secret Server End User Guide: This guide is for regular, non-administrative users of Secret Server. Secret Server is a powerful, advanced PAM product with a wide range of capabilities. Even so, it is very easy to use for regular day-to-day operations for non-technical people. The key to this is knowing what to ignore and understanding the bits you do need to know. This guide is designed to help you do just that. It provides links to only what you need.
Secret Server Getting Started Tutorial: Secret Server is a powerful solution with many facets. As such, we have created this guide, which is an introductory tutorial for new users. The tutorial suggests an order to learn topics and points to specific sections for more detail. This tutorial is oriented toward system administrators and other technical professionals. We recommend that non-technical users start with our End User Guide (link above).
FREE eBook: Privileged Access Management for Dummies: This fast, easy read gives users, IT staff, and business stakeholders a practical understanding of privileged account management and its security implications. Get up to speed fast on privileged account management and security basics with this book which is simple enough for beginners, but smart enough for experts.
What’s a ‘Secret’?
We call all the stuff you store in Secret Server “Secrets.” So instead of saying “You can add new passwords and share passwords” we would say “You can add new Secrets and share Secrets.” This is because you are not limited to storing passwords. You can also use Secret Server to store file attachments, credit card information, door codes, and a whole lot more.
Why are passwords so important?
Business units have lots of passwords that unlock access to sensitive company information. More often than not, these passwords are not “strong” and they can be easily compromised, either through direct hacking or through phishing attacks, like calling up an employee in the marketing department and saying they need to verify her account information, including her username and password. These kinds of attacks never end well for businesses or the people involved. When in doubt, it’s better safe than sorry when it comes to using strong passwords.
But I already have a way to keep track of my passwords!
We know changing routines can be hard, and this will impact how you access all kinds of accounts, but here are a few reasons why we, and your IT team, think you’ll really like Secret Server:
- It’s intuitive. You have a Basic Dashboard view that’s easy to navigate and you can add new passwords or update passwords at any time.
- There are Launchers and browser plugins. Trust us, these are going to be your new best friend. All you have to do is click a Launcher from within Secret Server, or navigate to a webpage and click the bookmarklet, and Secret Server will log you in automatically. You will never have to manually enter that long Twitter password again.
- You get team sharing. Do Brenda and Tim both need access to the account to post job applications? Well, now they can both access the credentials in Secret Server, and if the password changes, will always have current credentials.
Still want to learn more? Visit our Secret Server Page for more information on software features, customer testimonials, demo videos, and more.

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