Jumpstart Your 2022 Security Resolutions by Trying the Latest Version of Secret Server

Delinea Team
Whew, we made it. 2022.
After a somewhat rocky 2021—and 2020 for that matter—what’s on your New Year’s Resolution list? Does your list include some of those perennial promises, like “get in shape” or “save money”? Or maybe you’ve got your sights set on some new ones like, “whittle down those streaming subscriptions,” or “use up that stockpiled vacation time.”
Let’s face it—“tighten up security” should make every IT pro’s list this year. After a year of remote work, ransomware attacks, and new security vulnerabilities, pretty much every organization has some security clean-up to do.
Our latest release makes access seamless, with automated and simplified secrets management
To jumpstart your 2022, we’ve put together a list of security resolutions you can achieve with the latest version of Secret Server, the industry-leading PAM solution. The latest release—out this week—is focused on making access seamless with automated and simplified Secret management. It includes the addition of new security controls, checkout enhancements, and design updates for more usable security.
Below are some resolutions you can keep with the latest Secret Server release. You’ll be glad you did!
1. Rotate ALL the keys
Rotation provides an additional layer of protection to block external actors from gaining access to your vault.
In addition to rotating individual secrets housed within the digital vault, you can now rotate Secret Server’s master encryption key on demand.
2. Streamline jump box connections
For those who use jump boxes to protect access to critical resources, you’ll be happy to see that Secret Server has streamlined the connection process. Rather than taking time to inject unique credentials at every connection point, you can now use a single key to navigate an entire route from launch, to jump box, to a destination within a single session.
You can launch the end-to-end route via Secret Server or the interface of our session management tool, Connection Manager.
3. Improve accountability. Check secrets back in—or Secret Server will do it for you
Just like a library book, you’ve got to check any Secret you use back into Secret Server, so others can use it next. When secrets for API connections aren’t checked back in, critical maintenance operations can’t be performed and productivity slows. (Insert picture of co-worker tapping foot in frustration).
With the latest release, you’ll be able to see the remaining time on a Secret checkout via an indicator on your screen. You can even extend the checkout period if you need more time.
Even better news: Let’s say you get busy and forget to check the Secret back in? The latest release automatically checks in secrets for API connections after expiration, so others can use them.
Note to self: Remember to add “return library books” to the New Year’s Resolution list.
What about Delinea’s New Year’s Resolutions, you say?
Our #1 New Year’s Resolution is to remove bottlenecks to your success. We believe that the easier it is to use PAM solutions, the more likely they are to be adopted and the more effectively they reduce risk.
We hope you’ll check out the latest version of Delinea's Secret Server. The free 30-day trial is available here:

IT security should be easy. We'll show you how
PS: Keep an eye on this space. Big things are coming in 2022. We can’t wait to share.