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Securing a Remote Workforce

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Demo and Discussion: Secure Remote Access Without a VPN

Remote work is here to stay and privileged access security must adapt.

Remote third parties need privileged access to secrets for troubleshooting and development. Remote business users need privileged access to secrets to use critical applications. However, methods for securing remote connection—like VPNs, agents, and jump hosts—are complex for IT teams to manage and frustrating for users to navigate.

Join Tony Goulding, Delinea’s Cybersecurity Evangelist, for a discussion about securing your growing remote workforce through modern privileged access management. See how you can grant seamless privileged access to third parties and remote workers by establishing a secure connection through Delinea Secret Server’s Privileged Remote Access.

Who should attend this webinar?

  • IT Security
  •  CISOs and Executive Leadership
  •  IT operations: Systems Administrators, Helpdesk Teams, Infrastructure Management, Workstation Management, etc.
  • Professionals looking to move into these roles

What will I learn?

  • Remote access scenarios that increase your risk of privilege misuse and cyberattack
  • How to extend the capabilities of modern privileged access management to remote use cases
  • Ways to eliminate risky standing privileges for remote workers by granting just-in-time, just-enough privilege
  • What seamless, browser-based access looks like from a user’s point of view



Fab Viguier

Fab is a product manager specializing in  identity management, enterprise directory management, databases, virtualizing tools and network technologies