Many of people have asked for more details about and demos of the Delinea Platform, as well as more information on what the Platform roadmap looks like. Delinea's Product Manager, Justin Harris, is here to deliver!
Join us to understand why Delinea built the new platform technology and to get a better sense of how the platform serves as a foundation for many of Delinea's newly developed and newly acquired products (Privileged Control for Cloud Entitlements, Identity Threat Protection, Fastpath Identity, and Certification, Privileged Remote Access and more). We'll look to deliver deeper dives into these products in the months ahead but want first to level set all members in the overall platform approach.
Justin Harris is a 20+ year technology veteran with a wide range of vertical industry exposure and a knack for understanding how market trends introduce market needs. As Director of Product at Delinea, he leads the Vault portfolio of products such as Secret Server and DevOps Secrets Vault. Justin’s area of expertise includes bringing secure SaaS platforms to market, cloud-native design, product evangelism, and unified communication.