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Remote Access Service

Securely manage remote workers and third-party vendors with a VPN-less, browser-based Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and SSH solution

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Why Remote Access Service? 

Icon - Automate Remote Worker Access

Automate Remote
Worker Access

Delinea’s Remote Access Service in the Delinea Platform simplifies and automates worker access management for the IT resources workers need to be productive and secure.

Icon - Scale your PAM

Scale Your PAM

Scale your security readiness as your business grows, with no inbound firewall rules to open. Agentless deployment means no additional software required on your target hosts. With no end-user clients required, remote access is centered around a modern HTML5-based web client.

Icon - Integrate

Integrate with Secret Server
on the Delinea Platform

Securely connect servers to users outside the network by leveraging Secret Server’s robust vaulting and RBAC capabilities. Remote Access Service works with both the current Secret Server on the Delinea Platform and Secret Server On-premises.

Provide instant, secure access to remote IT staff and vendors without a VPN

Remote Access Service streamlines remote access deployment and reduces server vulnerability

See how Remote Access Service in the Delinea Platform lets you...

Centralized and Secure Remote Access

Give secure access to remote users without a VPN with centralized control and agentless session oversight.

Reduce Vulnerability

Restrict risk exposure and prevent lateral threats with segmented, site-specific controls to contain breaches.

Implement Multi-factor authentication (MFA) at Depth

Implement MFA from initial login to server elevation.

Improve Audit and Compliance

Eliminate standing privileges and enhance compliance with AI-powered logging and browser-based live session monitoring.

Improve Productivity

Streamline user access to boost productivity with automated privilege controls and simplified remote management.

Check out our interactive demos to experience these capabilities yourself

Remote Access Service supports extended PAM

The standard definition of PAM isn’t sufficient for the growing risk of cyberattacks. We believe PAM must address the exploding number of identities and today’s IT complexities.

Our products provide effective authorization controls for an identity-centric approach to security.

Learn more about the Delinea Platform »

Unify privilege access management for all identity types so your team can work more efficiently.

Secure privileged access to Windows, Linux and Unix servers with automated policy-based access controls. Quickly eliminate standing privilege and reduce the number of privileged identities to manage while increasing productivity. Enforce Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to ensure the right identity has the right privileges at the right time with a full audit trail.

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Learn more about Remote Access Service

With Remote Access Service, remote users gain access securely and easily through their web browser, using a vaulted account in Secret Server. There’s no need for them to navigate VPNs, SSH clients, RDP clients, or even remember passwords.

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