Delinea | Privileged Access Management Blog

Delinea Stands with Ukraine

Written by Art Gilliland | Mar 23, 2022 12:00:00 PM

As we all witness the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, I am personally heartbroken and furious. In particular, I feel powerless to effectively impact the outcome and I worry for our team members in Ukraine and the many others suffering as a result of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. I am, however, inspired by the immense courage that has rallied the broader world into action.

While I do not believe tragedy should ever be turned into PR, I understand that our employees, customers, and vendors have strong interest in how we are responding. For that reason, and as an expression of solidarity with the courageous citizens of Ukraine, we are posting this blog to share what Delinea has chosen to do.

Like many global companies, Delinea is proud to have team members based in Ukraine. In fact, we have an amazing and valued team in Ukraine that is on the minds of the rest of the Delinea team around the world.

Several months prior to the invasion, we began preparing for the potential of Russian aggression by working to secure transportation and temporary housing for our team members and their families. We also worked with our regional partner on the ground to find apartments located in neighboring countries for those who wished to leave the country. A portion of our team relocated outside of Ukraine, while others elected to move to other parts of the country to live with family. 

Thankfully, as of the writing of this blog, all our team members are safe. We continue to check in with them daily, although that is becoming more difficult as the war continues. 

To support our Ukraine team members financially, Delinea advanced payments of salaries and expenses given the additional costs necessary to relocate and find safety. In addition, we have donated money to local charities and provided ways for our employees to donate with matching funds to support the humanitarian need. We continue to look for ways to support our teams and the civilians trapped in Ukraine. 

In addition to the actions to support the citizens of Ukraine, we have also made a corporate decision to entirely cease business activities in Russia and Belarus. Our decision addresses imposed sanctions, but, importantly, goes much further as we stand in solidarity with Ukraine and strongly denounce Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

Thank you to our brave team in Ukraine. Our team will continue to find ways to support you and the people of Ukraine. We continue to wish for your safety and for an immediate resolution to the war and the humanitarian catastrophe. 

- Art